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Company Name: Denron Ltd.

Company Location: Oak Creek, Wisconsin

Company Information: According to The Silver Institute in 1975, Denron Ltd. was located at 1200 W. North Branch Drive, Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Denron ingots are associated in some way with “Cripple Creek Colorado” pieces, as there are examples that share both hallmarks. Western Gold Producers, Inc. is also associated with both of the above, and more research should be done on whether one was a subsidiary, or if there was a producer/distributor relationship. (OPA)

Known sizes:


Obverse Reverse Additional Description
1.85oz Denron “Railroad Spike”. Other varieties of this spike include “Cripple Creek Colorado” and “Western Gold Producers Inc.”
2oz Denron example that is a mold match to another 2oz variety, stamped “Western Gold Producers Inc. Cripple Creek Colorado”
d/denron.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/09 16:58 by oldpouralchemy