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Bob Naimy and Herc Picerne ran Hercaimy Coin (which became Hercaimy Enterprises) mostly by traveling the country buying silver, gold and coins from people. Even after the company went bankrupt, Bob Naimy continued to travel the country using a different company name, Prestige Coins.

Date & Information Picture
An April 10th, 1963 ad for Hercaimy Coins. Similar ads using the Hercaimy Coins name ran through 1969.
This snippet from February 11th, 1968 mentions that Bob Naimy is the owner and Herc is “his associate”
Hercaimy Enterprises ads appeared around May 1968 and ran until late 1969 when they also started advertising the Silver Eagle Nest set.
August 1969 Coinage magazine ad for Silver Eagle Nest
December 1969 Coinage magazine ad for Silver Eagle Nest
May 1070 Coinage Magazine ad. Man I gotta find me one of these clocks!
Hercaimy Enterprises went bankrupt in 1970, again mentioning that Naimy headed it.
January 6, 1970. Paying 2% a month sounds like a desperate move.
June 18, 1970 bankruptcy article
June 15, 1970 mention of Herc suing Bob for money
July 17, 1970 bankruptcy sale
f/foster/history/hercaimy.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/31 14:15 by idratherbstacking